Unit 1: Lesson 1 - Economic Reasoning: Why Are We A Nation of Couch Potatoes? Students examine visuals to identify an economic mystery regarding exercise and diet. They use the Guide to Economic Reasoning to analyze the costs and benefits of decisions about diet and exercise. They discover that human behavior is influenced by choices, costs, incentives, rules, voluntary exchange, and future consequences, even in decisions about diet and exercise. Concepts: - Choice
- Economic Systems
- Incentive
- Opportunity Cost
- Future Consequences
- Voluntary Trade
Standards: - Standard #1: Scarcity
- Standard #2: Decision Making
- Standard #3: Allocation
- Standard #4: Incentives
- Standard #5: Trade
 Unit 2: Lesson 6 - Why Did Communism Collapse? Students examine and discuss visuals to solve an economic mystery regarding the command system of the Soviet Union. Concepts: - Choice
- Economic Systems
- Incentive
- Command Economy
- Market Economy
Standards: - Standard #3: Allocation
- Standard #4: Incentives
- Standard #7: Markets and Prices
- Standard #8: Role of Prices
- Standard #10: Institutions