Unit 3: Lesson 16 - Making Choices About Saving and Investing This lesson introduces the distinction between savings and the investment. It demonstrates how the price of money --the interest rate--is critical to making the right savings and investment choices. It explains when, under various conditions, it is or is not in people's best interest to save. Concepts: - Choice
- Inflation
- Saving
- Interest
- Investment
- Loanable Funds Market
- Purchasing Power
- Savings
Standards: - Standard #2: Decision Making
- Standard #12: Interest Rates
 Unit 3: Lesson 18 - Credit Management This lesson is designed to help students make good consumer-credit decisions. Although using credit is beneficial at times, it often carries higher costs than many people realize. This lesson discusses the costs of credit in a manner that helps students calculate those costs and integrate them in short- and long-term decisions. Concepts: - Choice
- Economic Wants
- Income
- Interest
- Debt
- Secured Debt
- Unsecured Debt
Standards: - Standard #2: Decision Making
- Standard #4: Incentives
- Standard #8: Role of Prices
- Standard #11: Money and Inflation
 Unit 5: Lesson 27 - The Economics of Special Interest Groups Students learn about the diverse nature of special interest groups and read examples that show how incentives influence the actions of elected officials. Concepts: - Competition
- Incentive
- Interest
Standards: - Standard #17: Government Failure